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Pokemon Sky Twilight

Pokemon Sky Twilight
Pokemon Sky Twilight
Remake by:
Remake from:
Pokemon Fire Red
Today, there is a person who's live in a local area called Desire Town.A person who wants to start his/her journey and become the best Pokemon Trainer that they can be. Catching new Pokemon and battling trainer. Also, getting Gym Badges and defeating the Elite Four. The person is you of course. You are the one that are defeating Team Volt and discovery mysteries. Most important is that... You are the hero.
Gen 4-6 Pokemon. 721 Pokemon available in this region.
Gen 4-6 Moves.There not all appear but there are some great valuable move such as Flame Charge, Dark Pulse, Aqua Tail, Power Whip, and many more.
Gen 4-6 Items. There are some valuable items such as Life Orbs, Shiny Stones, Rocky Helmets, and many more.
Gen 4-6 Abilities. There are some unique abilities such as Big Pecks, Super Luck, Hydration, and many more.
Decapitalisation. All of the capital text are now decapitalisation
Mega Evolution.You are able to Mega Evolve your Pokemon.
Updated Sprites. For Pokemon and maybe Trainers.
Updated Moves. There are some original moves that have been update such as Vine Whip, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, and many more.
Fairy Type. New addition type Fairy Type from Gen 6.
HG/SS Music. To have the feeling of HG/SS feeling.
Some Tiles from Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald. To make the graphic good as possible
Pokemon Sky Twilight